Posted by : Unknown mardi 25 août 2015

Google chrome is the most used browser in all over the world, but people suffer from his RAM consumption so once you open many tabs you will notice that your PC or your cellphone are getting slower. For this reason I made this article so as to show you some apps and tricks to fix this problem.

Google chrome RAM consumption fix on pc and smartphones #How to reduce google chrome memory leak (usage)

#For PCs:

The Great Suspender: The first app that I recomend you to use it is The Great Suspender Extension because it will suspend all useless tabs temporally to stop their consumption of RAM
Download The Great Suspender.

OneTab: The second extension is OneTab. As his name indicate It's a great chrome app that gather alot of tabs in one single tab to reduce 95% of RAM consumption

Download OneTab Extension.

TheLMNtech: how to solve google chrome overconsumation (usage) of RAM on PC and smartphone #how to make chrome use less memory
   Tab Hibernation: this is another extension simillar to The first one that will hibernate unused tabs and let only the active tab, so you can restore hibernated tabs by one single left mouse click.

   cache killer: This light extension will automatically clear all browser cache after activating it by one single click on its icon.

   Deleting extensions: Do you now that extensions consume a huge number of RAM ? for this reason deleting useless extensions will make the chrome browser consume less RAM than before(and fater as well).

    disable plug-ins: usually, we use a bunch of plug-ins with google chrome but there are some which are not very interesting and if you disable them from here chrome://plugins/ you will effectively reduce chrome RAM consumption.

 Using chrome task managerThis great option show you all tasks and processes which is running with ability 

 Purge memory button: This is another great easy way to free up RAM in one single click.To add it to the chrome task manager just right click the chrome icon then go to properties after that go to target and hit space then write  –purge-memory-button  finally, click on apply.

Google chrome RAM consumption fix on pc and smartphones #How to reduce google chrome memory leak (usage)

#For Smartphones:

   On smartphones there is a different way to do it, just enter to this link chrome://flags/#max-tiles-for-interest-area and specify how much RAM do you allow google chrome to consume it but whenever you give it more RAM it becomes faster and more fluid in web surfing and pages scrolling.

This is TheLMNtech guide to solve google chrome overconsumption of device RAM. I hope that you apply these tips then tell us the result in a comment and if you have another usefull ways don't forget to leave a comment about it. Peace.

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  1. if you have another usefull ways don't forget to leave a comment about it ;)


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